Hindu Wedding Ceremony - Program
Note that regional traditions vary, so every ceremony is unique.
Reception of the Groom’s party and official meeting of relatives
The relatives & friends of the bride formally welcome the groom and his party at the door of the venue.
Introduction and formal welcome by the priest
The Groom is then conducted to the canopy.
He takes his seat. The preliminary pujas are performed to Ganesha etc.
The Purification ceremony
A purification ceremony is then performed — the object of which is to purify the minds of the couple from the 6 defilements of mind that are the causes of all disharmony and suffering. These are kama — selfish desire, krodha — anger, moha — delusion, mada — arrogance, lobha — greed and matsarya — envy.
The Garlanding
The bride is now escorted to the canopy. She will receive the garland from the priest when she arrives at the canopy. Blessings are recited, then the couple garland each other while reciting:
“May all the Directive Energies of the Cosmos unite our hearts, may the Life Force and the heavens bind and keep us together.”

The Honouring of the Groom
The Groom is offered water to wash his feet and hands and water to drink. He is also offered a symbolic drink of honey and yoghurt, and a banana. A set of clothing is presented to him.
Kanyadaan - The Giving Away of the Bride
A statement of intent is made and the lineages of the couple are announced, and it is declared that they are willingly and of their own free choice joining in matrimony for companionship, religious and social duties, spiritual advancement, prosperity and progeny.
The relevant statements are made in Sanskrit by the priest. A coconut is placed in the bride’s right hand, and the bride’s right hand is placed in the groom’s right hand. The mother of the bride then, at the appropriate time, after the chanting of the mantras, pours some water over the coconut from a conch-shell given by the priest.
The parents of the groom may join their hands and touch his hands as he accepts the bride.
Presentation of Garments
The groom presents the bride with a new set of clothes and jewellery which is a token of his responsibility to care for all her needs.
Mangalya puja - Tying the Sacred Thali
The token of marriage — the thali — is now worshipped and sanctified. When the bride returns dressed in her new sari the thali is placed around the neck of the bride by the groom.
“I tie this sacred ornament which is my life’s blessing around your neck, O blessed one, so that we may live together for a hundred autumns.”

The Vows
The couple solemnly vow to each other:
“In all matters pertaining to the three aims of life — Dharma (the sphere of ethical and spiritual activities), Artha (professional responsibilities, pursuit of wealth & security) and Kama (Sex, procreation and recreation) I promise never to do the wrong thing by you.”
These vows are sacred and are thus recited in Sanskrit by the couple:
dharme cha, arthe cha kaame cha imam na ati charaami
Exhortation by the priest:
Om. Gaze gently upon each other, never be hostile to each other, be tender to birds and animals, be of cheerful mind, be beautiful in your glory, be the parents of heroes, be devoted to the gods, be the bestowers of happiness, be good and loving at all times. (RV.10.85.44)
Benedictory Prayers
Offerings are made and prayers for the well-being of the couple and to bless them with a long and happy married life.
Paanigrahanam - Taking the Hand
The groom takes the bride's right hand and the couple recites the following affirmations:
“I take your hand for our wellbeing so that together we may attain happiness in all aspects of our life together. The Universal Principles; Enjoyment, Aspiration, Creativity and Fullness of Being have united us for the performance of our duties as householders.”
The Groom:
“You are Primordial Nature — I am all-pervading Spirit. I am the Sky — You are the Earth. I am the Sun — You are the Moon. I am the mind — You are the speech, and together we are the melody of the Universe.”
“May we remain together until old age, loving each other, delighting in each other, with our minds in harmony with each other, appreciating each other’s ideas, views and feelings. May we discover life together for a hundred autumns, may we live together for a hundred autumns, and may we listen to each other attentively for a hundred autumns.”

Laja Homa
Puffed rice is offered by the bride, with a wish for a long and a happy married life, filled with love, affection, prosperity and joy.

Stepping on the Mill-stone
The couple retire to the north of the fire where a millstone has been placed. They both touch the stone with their right feet. The millstone represents the solid foundation of married life, and the steadfast resolution to stand as a rock in love defying all distractions.
The priest recites:
Tread upon this stone, be you firm and steadfast as this stone, in your commitment to each other — rise above all your tribulations, pressing underfoot all negativity and sorrow.
The couple circumambulate the fire (altar) with the bride leading the first three times. The fourth round is made with the groom leading.
The Groom’s Praise of Sarasvati
The groom recites the following verse after the priest.
“O Sarasvati Goddess of learning and eloquence, the source of well-being,
O Gracious One, You whom I praise are the source of all creation.
It is in you the whole creation arose and in whom it is sustained
and into whom it is ultimately dissolved.
Today I shall sing that song which is the highest glory of women.”
Saptapadi - The Rite of Seven Steps
This is the most important stage in a Hindu wedding ceremony and the culmination. The marriage becomes irrevocable on the seventh step. The couple take the first seven steps in their journey of life together. Before taking the steps the clothes of the couple are tied together.
- Take the first step with me for nourishment.
- Take the second step with me for health.
- Take the third step with me for prosperity and security.
- Take the fourth step with me for consummate bliss.
- Take the fifth step with me for worthy progeny.
- Take the sixth step with me for enjoyments according to the seasons.
- Take the seventh step with me for friendship.
“You are my friend in life through these seven steps; may I attain your friendship, may our friendship bind us together; may we never cease being friends, may our intentions be of one accord, may our radiance be one, and our minds united. We are united in harmony and affection, radiant with kind thoughts, enveloped in enjoyment and strength, united are our minds, our vows and our hearts.”

Touching the Hearts & Sindur danam
With their right hands the couple touch each other’s hearts while reciting the following prayer:
“May our aspirations be the same, may our thoughts be in harmony, may we respond to each others requests, for the Lord of Beings has joined us completely.”
Prayer to the Sun
The couple together recite the following prayer.
“May we continue to see for a hundred autumns, may we live together, may we rejoice together, may we enjoy together, may we benefit others, may we listen to beneficial advice, may we communicate well, may we never be defeated, thus for a long time may we continue to pursue the path to enlightenment.”
This is a translation of the blessing which will be recited by the priests.
It is of a hundred measures, man has a hundred years of life, a hundred powers; verily on life and power he rests.
May you both be blessed with prosperity, vigour, longevity, health, wealth, and domestic animals. May you have many children and may you live for a hundred autumns.
Oh the bride who is now this new family's backbone, may you be forever blessed to rise over conflicts and calamities, exceed your husband, nurture your children in dignity and pride and be famous
Those who are at cross purposes and opposed to the wedded couple may they not succeed. May the hard path of life be crossed by pleasant journey. May all the forces of evil shrink away.
Signing the register
The couple now sign the register and marriage certificate in the presence of 2 witnesses.
The newly married couple are then bestowed blessings from all family, relatives & friends present.
Hindu scriptures say that all those who are fortunate to attend a Hindu wedding are indeed blessed with happiness.